5e House Rules

Home brew or house rules for my 5e games

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You are adventurers first and foremost. You find yourselves in the country side town of Phandalin just as rumors and suspicions are confirmed: A white dragon seems to have taken a liking to the local mountains. Will you do what you can to assist and protect the defenseless?

It is common in this land for adventurers to seek out work that others are unwilling to do. That work seems to pay well. Also sometimes called “rat catchers”, adventurers can look to villages to post the “unwanted” jobs that pay well on notice boards near the town square.

The motivations of an adventurer can be as varied as the type of threats they will face a long the way. Most adventurers find themselves driven by

  1. Desire For Glory. What better way to prove your mettle than to over power and strike down a ravaging manticore to retrieve the hoard of wealth it protects.
  2. Rescuing the Helpless. In front of every evil necromancer and plot to take over the land are defenseless victims who need your help to make it through.
  3. Solving a Mystery. The world is full of mysteries, old and new. Knowing how the universe ticks and unraveling the secrets is what keeps you going.

No matter what drives your adventuring one thing is for sure, there is plenty of opportunity in this fantastical world.

Character Concept

Your adventurer is described by abilities (String, Intelligence, Charisma, etc.) as well as Race, Class, and Background. The class is the most impactful options during character creation. If you are new to the game you may want to start with these easy to play, classic options:

Races Classes Backgrounds
Dwarf Bard Acolyte
Elf Cleric Criminal
Halfling Fighter Entertainer
Human Rogue Sage
  Wizard Soldier

The Adventure Begins

Nestled in the rocky foothills of the snow-capped Sword Mountains is the mining town of Phandalin, which consists of forty or fifty simple log buildings. Crumbling stone ruins surround the newer houses and shops, showing how this must have been a much larger town in centuries past.

Phandalin’s residents are quiet, hard-working folk who came from distant cities to eke out a life amid the harsh wilderness. They are farmers, stonecutters, blacksmiths, traders, prospectors, and children. The town has no walls and no garrison, but most of the adults keep weapons within easy reach in case the need for arms should arise.

Visitors are welcome here, particularly if they have coin to spend or news to share. The Stonehill Inn at the center of town offers modest lodging and meals. A couple of doors down from the inn, posted outside the townmaster’s hall, is a job board for adventurers.

Welcome to Phandalin